Verjus experiment

Decided to do a quick experiment from necessity.

I have a nice green seedless grapevine growing in the back yard. There are always more grapes on it than it can support so they start falling in the middle of summer. It's a sad waste. 

I had to take down some of the grapes bunches so the rest could hopefully ripen to sweetness. So now I have a bowl of green grapes.... what to do?

Little time for research on this when you have a perishable sitting on the table. Thankfully, someone else did the research: 

Verjus it is! 

Also that site noted a sorrel and parsley variety, both of which I'm, maybe later?

Cleaned up the grapes. Put them through the blender and pressed the juice by hand through a cloth. 

The dregs we'll use with a meat marinade, for less waste. 

And got a bottle of verjus. Very sour. Nice lemon substitute flavor wise. 

Some of this is to be shared. As I suspect this is too much for me to use before it goes bad. I have about a month and not a lot of time for cooking experiments as there's other crafting to be done.

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